2 Kinds of Medicine to Reduce Proteinuria and Protect Kidney Function

2018-11-04 16:13

2 Kinds of Medicine to Reduce Proteinuria and Protect Kidney FunctionThese two drugs commonly used by nephrologists can not only delay the progress of renal function, but also effectively prevent complications. Have you used them?

1. Reducing cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular complications


Cardiovascular disease is a common complication in the later stage of kidney disease, and its harm is far greater than renal failure. And once it presents, the risk of death in patients with later stage kidney disease is greatly increased.

Statins are commonly used medicine to lower cholesterol level. In addition to lowering systemic cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein, they can also reduce the accumulation of lipoprotein in the mesangial region of the kidney and renal tubule interstitial, and improve renal filtration and other functions, achieving the effect of lowering proteinuria and delaying renal function, while reducing blood cholesterol.

Statins have been shown to slow the progression of kidney function, reduce the burden on the kidneys and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Common statins are simvastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, resuvastatin and atorvastatin.

2. Regulating metabolic disorders of calcium and phosphorus, and treating renal bone disease.

Active vitamin D

After kidney function is damaged, electrolytes in the body will be disordered. With the progress of the disease, the blood phosphorus metabolism of some patients will be disordered. The increase of phosphorus in the blood will lead to the reduction of blood calcium, which will lead to bone diseases such as osteoporosis and seriously affect the lives of patients.

Active vitamin D can correct metabolic disorder of calcium and phosphorus, increase blood calcium level, reduce parathyroid hormone level, and achieve the goal of prevention and treatment of bone disease.

In addition, domestic studies conducted group comparison therapy for IgA patients with urinary protein, which was divided into "Calcitriol treatment group" and "not using Calcitriol treatment group".

The results showed that the Calcitriol treatment group was able to reduce the proteinuria level by 19%, and there was no significant difference in the incidence of side effects between the two groups during the treatment.

A study of six randomized controlled trials in foreign study found that active vitamin D reduced proteinuria by 16 percent.

It can be seen that active vitamin D can not only treat bone disease, but also reduce proteinuria and delay the progress of renal function.

Of course, these drugs are not suitable for all kidney patients, you still need to strictly follow the instructions of doctors. Using the right medicine is good, while using the wrong medicine may be poison.

For more information on treating kidney disease and reducing proteinuria, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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