Best Foods for Diabetic Nephropathy Patients

2017-06-26 16:06

Best Foods for Diabetic Nephropathy PatientsWith Diabetic Nephropathy, you should not only follow a renal-friendly diet to reduce the workload of kidneys, but also reduce sugar intake to prevent diabetes from worsening. What are the best foods for Diabetic Nephropathy patients? If you would like to get the answer, go on reading to learn more.

-Foods with low salt

Too much salt intake can elevate blood pressure and worsen swelling, so foods with low salt is preferred. Some snacks are also great sources of salt, so pay attention before you eat them.

-High quality protein

Proteinuria is a common symptom of Diabetic Nephropathy. With proteinuria, you should restrict protein intake, in case that it increases your protein leakage. But you have to eat some to satisfy the need of body. High quality protein contains more essential amino acids, so it is recommended.

-Fresh vegetables

Fresh vegetables are rich in fiber, which is helpful for stabilizing blood sugar level. They are also packed with rich vitamins, which can help you fight against your kidney disease. Therefore, they should be added into your diet. As to fruits, some are high in sugar, so you had better control their intake, in case that your blood sugar level increases.

If you want to control the disease well, diet is not enough. Here we recommend you a natural treatment. It is Toxin-Removing Treatment, which takes advantage of a series of Chinese medicine therapies such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Cycle Therapy, Enema Therapy and so on to remove massive waste products from body. It can also improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to improve ischemia and anoxia. Besides, it can provide the essential elements for damaged kidneys to heal themselves. After a period of treatment, your kidney function will be improved gradually.

Foods for diabetic Nephropathy vary from one patient to another. You had better consult a dietitian to get a personalized diet plan. Besides, you should combine diet with medical treatment to get a better effect. For more information on Diabetic Nephropathy treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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