Does Low Kidney Function Cause Headaches

2017-10-11 14:57

Does Low Kidney Function Cause HeadacheWith the decline of renal function, you may find that more and more discomforts appear. Does low kidney function cause headaches? Let’s have a quick look in this article.

Low renal function can cause headaches.

-The damaged kidneys can not secrete enough erythropoietin to make red blood cells, hence it is likely for renal patients to suffer from anemia. Headache is a clinical manifestation of anemia.

-The damaged kidneys can neither clear toxins out of body adequately. The accumulated waste products may stimulate your nerve, leading to headache.

-The damaged kidneys can not regulate blood pressure. High blood pressure can make you have headache as well.

Treatment to relieve headache and restore renal function

You can get an immediate relief from headache by massage, acupuncture, moxibustion, acupoint application, etc. If you want to solve it from the root, you need to restore kidney function.

In Peking Tung Shin Tang Chinese Medical Hospital, Toxin-Removing Treatment is widely used and has proved to be effective. It takes advantage of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, and so on to expel waste products and extra fluid out of the damaged kidneys, making internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application. It can also dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys to supply them with enough essential elements such as oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine to speed up kidney recovery. After about half month’s treatment, high blood pressure will come down. High creatinine, high BUN and high uric acid level will decrease. After about one month’s treatment, your renal function will start increasing.

Does low kidney function cause headaches? Yes, it does. Besides headaches, a lot of other symptoms will also occur, such as weakness, nausea, vomiting, skin itching, swelling, etc. If you want to relieve them, to recover kidney function is the fundamental way. For more information on kidney failure treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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