Why Does Water Retention Still Exist Despite Dialysis

2017-08-28 17:38

Why Does Water Retention Still Exist Despite DialysisWhy does watern retention still exist even if I take dialysis? What can solve my water retention problem from the root ? I need your help.

Dialysis is a common way to discharge excess fluid from your body. But it is not a radical remedy for fluid retention. The root cause of fluid retention is damaged kidneys. Healthy kidneys can discharge excess fluid out of your body while injured kidneys fail to do this function. In this condition, fluid will accumulate in your body, causing water retention, usually called swelling or edema.

Though dialysis can remove some water from your body, it does not restore injured kidney tissues. In this condition, water retention will appear again.

If you want to eliminate water retention from the root, you have to repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function. Only in this way can water retention be treated radically. Here we recommend Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which is an external application based on Chinese medicines. According to your specific condition, proper Chinese medicines will be chosened and then micronized into powder which will be put into two medicated bags. Patients just need to lie on bed to take this therapy. The osmosis machine helps the active ingredients arrive at kidney lesion directly. It is like a massage and patients feel very comfortable. Through dilating blood vessels, improving blood circulation, preventing inflammation and coagulation, degrading extracellular matrix, providing nutrients and removing blood stasis, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is able to repair injured kidney tissues and improve renal function. When renal function is enhanced, kidneys can discharge excess water from your body. Then water retention will disappear radically. No relapse occurs. Also it is able to reduce dialysis times or even get rid of dialysis.

If you want to learn more information about our Chinese medicine treatments for kidney patients, you can leave a message below or email tsthospital@hotmail.com. We will reply you as soon as possible.

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