What Other Ways to Get rid of Wastes for Kidney Failure Patients

2017-10-06 16:03

What Other Ways to Get rid of Wastes for Kidney Failure PatientsFor kidney failure patients, their kidneys are not able to filter waste products and excess fluid out of body adequately. What other ways to get rid of wastes? Read on to learn more information.

If you do not remove wastes out of body, what will happen?

More and more clinical manifestations will appear with the increasing of waste concentration in body. At last, almost all your body systems will be affected and uremia will occur. In such a case, it is likely for your life to be threatened.

Other ways to get rid of wastes for kidney failure patients

In our body, besides kidneys, there are also other organs to help us eliminate wastes, such as skin and intestinal tract. Therefore, when your kidneys can not work well, you should tap potential of other organs. In western medicine, besides dialysis and kidney transplant, there is not other choice for you, while in Chinese medicine, you have a lot of choices. Here take Toxin-Removing Treatment for an example.

This is a systemic Chinese medicine treatment, which is composed of several therapies like Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, Navel Therapy, Mai Kang Mixture and so on to. It can increase your urine output, improve bowel movement and make you sweat to increase waste output from body. It can also dilate blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into damaged kidneys so that enough essential elements such as oxygen, nutrients and active ingredients of medicine can be transported into damaged kidneys to speed up kidney recovery. After about one week’s treatment, your urine will become cloudy and smelly due to the existence of wastes. After about two week’s treatment, your high creatinine level, high BUN and high uric acid level will decrease. After about one month’s treatment, your kidney function will start to increase. With the improvement of kidney function, wastes can be passed out of body naturally.

What other ways to get rid of wastes for kidney failure patients? You can try Toxin-Removing Treatment. For more information on this treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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