Kidney Disease fail to develop into uremia, because they did these seven thing

2017-07-29 17:56

Kidney Disease fail to develop into uremia, because they did these seven thing

What scare you when you suffer from kidney diseases? most people may say, uremia. Yes, we all afraid of it.

But there are a group of patients, through their hard work, can control the kidney disease in 10 years, and 20 years. While some may develop from nephritis to uremia within two or three years.

What cause these huge difference? Here we give you some brief analysis:

1. Blood pressure.

If you blood pressure get controlled, it will not speed up the renal disease. Or, it can lead to renal blood vessel lesion and reduce kidney function. A proper blood pressure should be 130/80

2. Renal-Toxic medicine.

With the development of renal diseases, your metabolism function will be reduced. Once you intake medicine which can cause damage to renal, it will worse the kidney condition.

3. Infection

With the decreasing of renal function, the resistant ability will decrease, and infection, bacteria, fungi, viruses, Chlamydia, and the infection part often in the skin, lungs, urethral. Every kidney patients knows the importance of avoiding infection.

4. Hypovolemia

It is due to a strict controlling of potassium, water and the use of diuretics that reducing the reabsorb ability of tubules, then it leads to hypovolemia and reduce the GFR.

5. Urine Acid

Using medicine to control urine acid can help manage renal condition.

6. Urine

Urine tract blockage will cause infection, and it can also exacerbate the renal condition.

7. Electrolyte Balance

Patients may suffer from hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia. calcium phosphate accumulated in renal can reduce kidney ability.

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