How to Protect Residual Renal Function for Dialysis Patients

2019-04-28 15:31

How to Protect Residual Renal Function for Dialysis PatientsDialysis (hemodialysis/peritoneal dialysis) is the choice of most kidney failure patients. After dialysis, due to improper treatment, they quickly lose urine and residual renal function, seriously affecting the quality of life. Therefore, how to protect the residual renal function of patients is particularly important. The following measures help to protect the residual renal function of patients:

1. Avoid dehydration

Owing to excessive toxin accumulation and uncontrolled salt intake, if dialysis is inadequate, under hypertonic environment, it is very likely to have dry mouth. If water intake is not restricted, the weight of hemodialysis patients will increase too much and too fast during two dialysis sessions. In order to maintain dry weight, the ultrafiltration dehydration is often excessive and too fast per unit time during dialysis, and the body can not compensate for it, resulting in a sharp reduction of renal perfusion so as to cause less urine, rapid reduction of urine volume, or even no urine. This is one of the most important factors leading to the rapid loss of residual renal function.

Faced with this situation, we should strictly control the dry weight. During the dialysis period, the weight gain should not be too much. It is better not to exceed 5% of the dry weight. For the elderly and thin patients, the dry weight should be strictly controlled.

Similarly, for peritoneal dialysis patients, sometimes the edema is obvious. In order to increase ultrafiltration volume, high-concentration peritoneal dialysis fluid is used frequently, which will also accelerate the loss of residual renal function. In daily dialysis, peritoneal dialysis patients should try to avoid using 2.5% peritoneal dialysis fluid. If it has to be used, we need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

2. Avoid the use of nephrotoxic drugs

Although patients have started dialysis, most of them still have some residual renal function. In clinical work, nephrotoxic drugs should be avoided as far as possible. For example, antipyretics, analgesics, aminoglycoside antibiotics and so on should be avoided in clinic as far as possible, because the use of nephrotoxic drugs will reduce the glomerular filtration rate, resulting in the rapid loss of residual renal function.

3. Apply drugs that can protect renal function

In order to protect the residual renal function of both hemodialysis patients and peritoneal dialysis patients, it is suggested that angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARBs) should be used to reduce blood pressure and reverse ventricular remodeling as well as protecting renal function.

4. Use diuretics appropriately

For patients who still have urine volume after dialysis, in addition to the above methods, we can also consider the application of diuretics to protect the residual renal function of patients. This is particularly important for peritoneal dialysis patients. An important advantage of peritoneal dialysis is that its hemodynamics is relatively stable, and it has the advantage of protecting residual renal function. For peritoneal dialysis patients with urine volume, it is recommended to take diuretics routinely. Of course, we should pay attention to the side effects of diuretics.

5. Take systemic Chinese medicine treatment

In our hospital, Toxin-Removing Treatment is often used treatment for kidney failure patients. It can help reduce dialysis frequency or even avoid dialysis, because it can help promote renal function to certain extent.

Dialysis is one of the most important treatment methods for kidney failure patients. If it can protect residual renal function, delay the loss of residual renal function and maintain part of urine volume, it will undoubtedly improve the quality of life and long-term prognosis. For more information on alternatives to dialysis, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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