Should You Supplement Calcium with Chronic Renal Failure

2019-05-04 18:07

Should You Supplement Calcium with Chronic Renal FailureDue to declined renal function and diet restrictions, it is likely for kidney patients to suffer from element deficiency. Should you supplement calcium with chronic renal failure? Read on to learn more information.

Causes of hypocalcemia for kidney patients

Blood phosphorus level and calcium level is closely related. In chronic renal failure, the decrease of phosphorus excretion and the increase of blood phosphorus lead to the decrease of blood calcium. In addition, the deficiency of active vitamin D in chronic renal failure affects the absorption of intestinal calcium, and the decrease of calcium absorption aggravates hypocalcemia.

Therefore, calcium supplementation for patients with chronic renal failure can not only prevent the occurrence of muscle cramp, pruritus, impotence and other symptoms caused by the decrease of blood calcium, but also prevent and treat hyperthyroidism and chronic bone malnutrition caused by the decrease of blood calcium.

How to supplement calcium for chronic renal failure patients?

There are many ways to supplement calcium, either orally or intravenously: oral calcium gluconate 1-2 grams, three times a day; or oral calcium carbonate or calcium lactate.

When you have muscle cramp due to low blood calcium, 10% calcium gluconate 10-20 ml can be intravenously injected, or 5-10% glucose solution can be added to the drip.

However, calcium supplementation should be cautious in chronic renal failure and acidosis. When uremic acidosis occurs, free calcium in total serum increases and convulsions do not occur although blood calcium is low. However, in the process of using alkali to correct acid, convulsions can occur in an acute episode and even endanger life. Therefore, calcium should be supplemented while rectifying acid.

Besides calcium supplement, you should pay attention to other medical treatment to control chronic renal failure well. In our hospital, we usually apply systemic Chinese medicine, such as Toxin-Removing Treatment to kidney patients. This set of treatment can eliminate waste products and extra fluid from body, improve blood circulation and increase blood flow, provide essential elements and eliminate renal inflammation so as to make internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application. After a period of treatment, symptoms such as proteinuria, swelling, anemia, high blood pressure, skin itching, cold limbs, weakness and so on will get alleviated greatly. With treatment going on, renal function will also be promoted. Now you can leave a message below or contact online doctor to learn more information on our treatment.

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