11 Years of Trust Lets Her Overcome High Blood Sugar and Proteinuria

Mrs.Bi is a 65 years old kidney patient. She has been discharged from our hospital for 11 years, but she keeps in touch with our doctors. Once there are any changes in her medical condition, she will g...read more

Creatinine Level Dropped from 250 to 180 With 20 Days’ Treatment

Beijing Tongshantang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has treated thousands of renal patients from all over the world and helped them solve their kidney problem. In this article, lets see a ren...read more

24h Upr Reduces and Hematuria Becomes Negative In Our Hospital

If you have been bothered by proteinuria and hematuria for a long time and can not find a good way, you can come to our hospital for a try of Chinese medicine treatments. The following is a successful ...read more

Kidney Patient Takes Medicated Foot Bath In Our Hospital

This patient enjoys Medicated Foot Bath very much. He is very happy each time he takes foot bath therapy. His laughter comes from his ward. Medicated Foot Bath is one of external applications in our ho...read more

Pakistan Patient Gets A Surprise In Our Hospital

Our hospital is an international hospital and each year more and more foreign patients come to our hospital for treatment. The following is a successful patient story. This patient comes from Pakistan....read more

Unique Chinese Medicine for Uremia Patient

The main treatment for uremia in our hospital is Chinese medicine treatment. It is effective and natural. More patients like to take natural medicines. The following is successful patient story in our ...read more

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    Kidney Disease

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