11 Years of Trust Lets Her Overcome High Blood Sugar and Proteinuria

2018-12-12 06:36

Mrs.Bi is a 65 years old kidney patient. She has been discharged from our hospital for 11 years, but she keeps in touch with our doctors. Once there are any changes in her medical condition, she will give us a feedback, and our doctors will help her analyze her condition and give her suggestions.

Recently she found that her blood sugar level increased, and lab report showed that her glucose level was 3+, and proteinuria 3+. Both high blood glucose level and proteinuria can cause kidney damage. Over time, they may cause kidney failure, so importance should be attached.
11 Years of Trust Lets Her Overcome High Blood Sugar and Proteinuria

Last month, Mrs.Bi came to our hospital for treatment.

In our hospital, we mainly used Toxin-Removing Treatment, which is a systemic treatment, including Medicated Bath, Foot Bath, Enema Therapy, Navel Therapy, etc. Those therapies can eliminate waste products from the blood via urine, sweat and bowel movement. They can also expand blood vessels and remove stasis to improve blood circulation and increase blood flow into kidneys so that enough essenital elements can be transported into nidus to speed up kidney failure. After about half month’s treatment, the effect will be carried out.

Therapeutic effect of our treatment

Two days ago, the results of the review showed that the blood glucose and urine sugar were normal, the urine protein quantitative decreased to 0.63g/24h, the urine IgG in the urine protein component had turned negative, and the urine transferrin had decreased to 0.66mg. The above examination results showed that the patient's condition had been effectively controlled, and the patient was very satisfied and thought highly of our medical team.
11 Years of Trust Lets Her Overcome High Blood Sugar and Proteinuria
11 Years of Trust Lets Her Overcome High Blood Sugar and Proteinuria

She said: “Eleven years ago, it was our hospital that effectively controlled her kidney disease and ensured her life quality in these years. Eleven years later, our hospital again controlled her blood sugar and kidney damage.”

We also hope Mrs.Bi more and more healthy.

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