How to Deal with Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure for PKD Patients

2019-05-22 17:30

Question: I have PKD. My issue is that my hypertension appears to be getting worse no matter what medication I take. Currently on 5 medicines, namely Benicar, clonidine, nephdepine, Imdur and carvidelol. What to do?

How to Deal with Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure for PKD PatientsAnswer: With the enlargement of kidney cysts, they oppress the normal kidney tissue, causing the kidney microcirculation obstacle so as to make the tissue ischemia and hypoxia and lead to insufficient blood supply to the kidneys. And the continuously enlarged kidney cysts oppress blood vessels, reducing the local blood flow. After the kidney receptor senses that signal, the kidney reflexively increases renin production, which in turn increases the concentration of angiotensin, constricts blood vessels, and elevates blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause further kidney damage. There is a vicious circle between hypertension and renal dysfunction. Therefore, to prevent further kidney damage, you should control hypertension. Since the root cause of high blood pressure is the enlarged kidney cyst, treatment should focus on shrinking kidney cysts and stopping their growth.

Your current treatment is only symptomatic treatment rather than a treatment for kidney cysts. That is why you can not control the blood pressure well. Here we recommend you to try Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

This is a great innovation of traditional Chinese medicine. It can infiltrate the micronized herbs into polycystic kidneys directly to take effect. It can suppress the abnormal proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells and stop the secretion of lining cells so as to prevent kidney cysts from growing. It can also increase the permeability of cyst wall and pressure difference inside and outside so that fluid can be drawn out, and then kidney cysts will become soft and small.

After about one week’s treatment, back pain will be relieved.

After about half month’s treatment, high blood pressure will be reduced.

After about one month’s treatment, kidney cysts will shrink, and renal function will get improved. With the improvement of kidney condition, blood pressure will be brought under control easily.

If your kidney condition has been severely damaged, you can try Toxin-Removing Treatment, which can make internal environment good for kidney self-healing and other medication application.

How to deal with uncontrolled high blood pressure for PKD patients? Now you get the answer. For more information on PKD treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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