What Is the Main Cause of Death in Uremia

2019-05-17 09:06

What Is the Main Cause of Death in UremiaUremia is also known as end stage renal disease (ESRD), in which your kidneys have been so severely damaged that you have to live on dialysis. What is the main cause of death in uremia? Read on to learn more information.

1. Heart failure

Heart failure is the leading cause of death in uremic patients. The common causes of heart failure in uremic patients are hypertension and retention of water and sodium. 80% of uremic patients have hypertension. Among them, 80% belong to volume-dependent hypertension, which is caused by retention of water and sodium. The basic cause of water and sodium retention is the decrease or loss of glomerular filtration function, while patients fail to adequately dialyze or even give up dialysis so that fluid can not be discharged, making blood pressure difficult to control, increasing the burden of the heart and leading to heart failure. In addition, cardiac overload, cardiac enlargement, and decreased myocardial contractility caused by anemia and toxins in the blood can also lead to heart failure.

2. Severe arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is mostly caused or aggravated by electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, among which hyperkalemia and severe acidosis are the main causes. And the main cause of hyperkalemia and severe acidosis is the impairment of renal potassium excretion and hydrogen secretion; inappropriate potassium supplementation and blood transfusion are also common causes of hyperkalemia.

3. Gastrointestinal bleeding

Gastrointestinal bleeding is the third cause of death in this group. It is caused by ammonia stimulation to the digestive tract, gastrointestinal mucosal erosion, coagulation dysfunction, retention of water and sodium, gastrointestinal mucosal edema and so on.

4. Cerebral hemorrhage

Besides the above three causes, cerebral hemorrhage is also one of the important causes of death. Most uremic patients have hypertension, and blood pressure fluctuations before and after dialysis are large, together with coagulation dysfunction, as well as the use of heparin and other factors can induce cerebral hemorrhage.

Now you know the common causes of death in uremia. Hope you pay attention to them in the daily and take preventives as early as possible. If you do not want to live on dialysis, you can try Toxin-Removing Treatment. For more information on such a treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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