What Is the Main Cause of Death in Uremia

Uremia is also known as end stage renal disease (ESRD), in which your kidneys have been so severely damaged that you have to live on dialysis. What is the main cause of death in uremia? Read on to lear...read more

How Far Are You from Uremia

Nowadays, the high incidence of chronic kidney disease affects the quality of life of patients families. Some of these patients are almost asymptomatic and require only a few visits to the hospital occ...read more

How Long Can I Live with eGFR of 12

With the declining of kidney function, your life may be threatened by the presented complications. How long can I live with eGFR of 12? Go on reading to learn more information. eGFR 12 means your kidne...read more

How Long Can I Live with End Stage Kidney Failure on Dialysis

When chronic kidney disease (CKD) develops to end stage kidney failure, dialysis is often recommended to start to maintain your life. How long can I live with end stage kidney failure on dialysis? Afte...read more

Is Uremia A Fatal Disease

Most people heard about uremia, because it can lead to death. So, there are so many people believing that it is a fatal disease and has no cure. Some even called it as kidney cancer. Is it? Here we hav...read more

Can End Stage Renal Disease Get Better

Can end stage renal disease (ESRD) get better? When seeing this question, you may think of dialysis or kidney transplant to maintain your life. Have you ever considered alternatives? After reading this...read more

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