How to Get Kidney Patients to Bring Their Phosphorus in Control

2019-05-08 14:26

How to Get Kidney Patients to Bring Their Phosphorus in ControlFor kidney patients, it is likely for them to have high phosphorus. How to get kidney patients to bring their phosphorus in control?

How does kidney disease cause hyperphosphatemia?

Phosphorus is an essential element of human body. Normal people consume about 1300 mg of phosphorus a day, and blood phosphorus is relatively stable, ranging from 0.81 to 1.45 mmol/L.

The kidney is the main organ of phosphorus excretion. About 70% of phosphorus is excreted through urine. When kidney function is impaired, the ability of excreting phosphorus decreases, and then the concentration of phosphorus in blood increases. When the concentration of phosphorus in blood is greater than 1.45 mmol/L, hyperphosphatemia can be diagnosed.

The severe consequences of hyperphosphatemia

Initial stage: The human body does not appear discomfort symptoms.

Middle stage: With the increase of high blood phosphorus, the calcium content in the human body often decreases. After the decrease of calcium, false signals will be released to stimulate parathyroid hyperplasia.

Consequences: Hyperphosphatemia may lead to secondary hyperparathyroidism, disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, skin itching, osteoporosis, bone pain, calcification of soft tissue or bone joints, and even spontaneous fracture when you are sneezing. What is more serious is that persistent hyperphosphatemia will lead to cardiovascular calcification, which can easily lead to cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and increase the risk of death. For every 0.3 mmol/L increase in blood phosphorus, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases by 17%-18%.

Hyperphosphatemia is a chronic and recessive complication. The interval from the onset of blood phosphorus elevation to the onset of hyperphosphatemia may be several years. Once obvious symptoms such as bone pain occur, it is too late to pay attention to them. It is not only expensive to treat, but also ineffective to treat.

Then how to bring phosphorus level into control for kidney patients?

-Reduce the intake of high-phosphorus foods: high-phosphorus foods include legumes, milk, etc; followed by various condiments, such as soy sauce, chili powder, sesame sauce; salted cooked foods and processed foods such as roast chicken, brine, ham, sausage; nuts and mushrooms.

-Balance protein and phosphorus intake: The preferred high-quality protein is food with relatively low phosphorus content and relatively high protein content. It is worth noting that the phosphorus content of chicken leg, breast meat and some fish meat is low, while that of pork, beef, mutton and other red meat is relatively high.

-Oral phosphorus binder. Phosphorus is ubiquitous in our food. When food is ingested, phosphorus in food is released in the gastrointestinal tract and absorbed into the blood by the human body. Phosphorus binders, like magnets, firmly absorb phosphorus in the intestine, take it out of the intestine and excrete it through feces.

To control the level of blood phosphorus, besides limiting the intake of phosphorus in food and adequate dialysis, drug treatment can also be used to reduce phosphorus absorption. Calcium tablets on the market have such functions. Calcium ions and phosphorus ions are chemically combined to form calcium phosphate, and precipitation is discharged through feces, thus reducing phosphorus intake.

But different phosphorus binders have different ways of taking, ability of binding phosphorus and calcium load. Therefore, it is necessary to use them reasonably under the guidance of nephrologists and take them according to doctor's instructions. Besides, you can try Toxin-Removing Treatment. It can help improve renal function. When you restore your renal function, phosphorus will be discharged out of body naturally. For more information on this treatment, please leave a message below or contact online doctor.

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